The Roads of Exile

A series of intimate portraits, conversations that become almost reverent in their contrast between the humanity of the speaker and the stark tragedy they’ve endured. Much like Vittorio De Sica’s Two Women, our goal is to underscore the devastating impact of conflict, creating empathy with a shared experience. Even as the narratives are a collection of grim road trips, we are left with a sense of hope that these horrific events can be endured and overcome.


Tempelhof offers a stunning, timely counterpoint to the dehumanization and stereotyping of migrants perpetuated by misunderstanding and fear, following six individual journeys of courage and hope as they flee their homes for the west and begin the process of cultural integration. Through intimate first-hand accounts, asylum seekers share their compelling, and dangerous journeys of hope to the West, reversing the psychological process of dehumanization by highlighting the humanity of each courageous interviewee.


Tahriib slips away the mask of anonymity shrouding the 1.8 million refugees who’ve entered Europe since 2014. Through their own words, six refugees detail their previous lives, dangerous journeys from Africa to the West, and attempts to integrate into Western culture. Each unique narrative serves emphasizes our shared human experience. Alongside, social and other aid workers provide a framework for challenges new immigrants often face as they attempt integration.

KINGPIN: 27 Minutes at Son Tay

On November 21, 1970,  U.S. Special Forces soldiers and airmen executed a swift and stunning raid of the Son Tay prison camp with zero American casualties, while three Navy carriers executed the largest night carrier operation of the entire conflict to suppress the enemy air defenses.  Not a single prisoner was found. Despite this, the raid stands as one of the most significant operations in modern military history.


Freedom of Movement

Freedom of Movement FestivalThe Cabuwazi Children’s Circus, Berlin, Germany brings refugee and German children together, creating joyful performances for their  loved ones while building trust between families, and bridges across cultures.


50/10 Saul Turteltaub

50/10 Saul Turteltaub | Award-winning short film  on the life of Saul Turteltaub, Emmy nominated television producer and comedy writer for over 50 years. Available to stream online soon.